accidentally refunds over $7 million to a customer who owed only $68


Cryptocurrency exchange made a huge mistake as it issued $10.5 million ($7.2 million) to a client instead of the expected A$100 ($68), said media reports. Surprisingly, this error was detected by the exchange after seven months. The initial transfer occurred in May 2021.

The report said that the exchange only realized the mistake when conducting an audit in December that year. the customer in question, Thevamanogari Manivel reportedly transferred the money to a joint account and spent $890,526 on a lavish, five-bedroom mansion for her sister instead of reporting the inaccurate return to the exchange.

Right now fighting to get its cash back with a lawsuit filed in the Victoria Supreme Court. The case will resume in court this October. Now The court ordered Manivel to sell that newly bought home and return the money (with interest) to the exchange.


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