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Joe Biden’s major advantage will run in 2024, his allies say, he has already beaten Trump

American politician, lawyer, and academic serving Rohit Khanna of California has been testing a message on “economic patriotism” that he thinks could resonate across the country. He told Insider that he’d like to play a larger role in leading the country. But that will come later, “after we defeat Trumpism,”.

He’s backing President Joe Biden if he decides to run in 2024 — because he’s already proven that he can beat former President Donald Trump. Khanna said that it would be better for Joe Biden to defeat Donald Trump… and take Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania along.” Polls have shown that most Democrats want a different presidential candidate in 2024.

Eric Schultz, deputy White House press secretary during the Obama administration, said Biden is the only candidate in either party to defeat Trump is “not a small thing. Biden, who is 79, has said he expects to run in 2024 if he is in good health.

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